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Cycling Alaska in Winter


Not cold enough for you in the lower 48? Then come to Alaska for some real winter riding. Since 1988, my friend Rocky Reifenstuhl has been riding the Yukon in Iditabike, the Yukon Arctic Ultra and the Iditarod Trail Invitational. On February 24, he begins an 1100 mile trip to Nome. If you shiver at the thought of riding at 25 degrees, consider a ride at minus 25 degrees! It's all about the clothes and the mind. And the incredible beauty: "Hoar frost glistens in my headlight as I alternate in awe between the absolute desolate, white indifference and the deafening silence of this black spruce-covered permafrost country. Tires crackle out a report that tells me this snow is COLD." So fix yourself a hot cup of cocoa and listen up.



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