Beartooth La Femme is a women’s only ride up the iconic Beartooth Pass, widely hailed as America’s most scenic road and a definite epic for cyclists. Terry is proud to be a primary sponsor this year and we would LOVE to have you join us.

The Specifics.
What: supported 1-day ride limited to 75 women
Where: Red Lodge, Montana
When: August 18, 2025
Organizer: Jennifer Drinkwalter, founder of Montana Tour and expert in hosting major cycling events in the area
Registration: Beartooth la Femme

The Ride.
A 62-mile out and back on the Beartooth Pass to the Summit of 10,947 ft. The ride originates and ends in the town of Red Lodge which is 5,555 ft. in elevation so you not only double your elevation but you’ll see why the Beartooth Pass is not easily ridden. The climb is spectacular with a series of switchbacks and vistas that both take your breath away. You’ll climb above tree line, cross the border into Wyoming and end up with a 360 degree view of Beartooth, Bighorn and Absaroka mountain ranges.

Race? No, but we will crown one Beartooth La Femme Queen who reaches the summit first with our locally made flower crown. Clock will begin at 7:30 am. No timing chips and no mini cars racing around providing individual support like a European race tour. The pass has enough challenges; a team of volunteers provide support to all riders as one group.

You can choose to do the ride alone, or go deluxe with a stay at the historic Pollard Hotel in Red Lodge. Whichever you choose includes a custom Terry Soleil that captures the beauty of the ride in all its Big Sky glory.

While I’d love to do the Beartooth, it’s not to be this year. Is the Terry Soleil available for sale? It’s beautiful!
I think it is a definite possibility for a June addition!