Lisa has answers…
As you might imagine, we get a lot of really great questions from female cyclists every day. Our customer service team leader, Lisa Wilkes, shares her best advice for the questions we receive most often.

How do I choose the best cycling shorts for my needs?
The topic of bike bottoms comes up often and can seem daunting at first, but if you consider the features individually, the best options quickly become apparent.
Your length preference is an essential starting point, and most of us understand what is best for our legs, comfort, and climate.
Do you like a shorter short (5″ to 7″), a bit more coverage (7″ to 9″), or a longer short (9″ to 13″)? Beyond these three preferences, knickers/capris are best for temps below 65 degrees for knee fiber health, and long bottoms offer added sun protection and warmth.
Once your preferred length is determined, we must consider your chamois (pronounced sham-mee) padding needs. Do you want the most padding and wicking available like our Flex Air, Flex Air Carbon, Flex Air Tour, and Flex Air Max, or are you looking for more casual padding for 20-to-30-mile rides found in our Flex Air Light, Fleet Air, or Comfort Chamois? Some riders need little to no padding; we offer padless and lightly padded bottoms for this group with our Fleet Air Lite, Reticulated, Slight, and Minimalist chamois options.
Here is a link to our chamois guide for further details:
An often-overlooked feature of bike shorts is compression. Do you want a high compression short to support your hips and legs, or prefer a regular fit with more stretch? If you are training for an endurance or racing event, compression shorts can offer the added support needed for success.
Other features to consider when choosing shorts include the kind of leg band you like (cloth band, light grippers, or strong grippers) and what kind of rise you prefer (regular or high rise).
My last and most important bit of advice when choosing bottoms is sizing. Please find a measuring tape, wrap it around your hips where you are broadest, and match our size chart. If you are still unsure, please call customer service or do a live chat with us at We wear our products, and we can always help. 1-800-289-8379.

How do I know if I need a new saddle?
Like so many cycling decisions, this one is very personal. If you have been riding the same one forever and feel comfortable in the saddle, don’t change a thing (or sell your bike with your favorite saddle!).
The trifecta of a comfortable bike ride is a bicycle that fits you well, a saddle that supports you well, and good biking shorts for added comfort and moisture-wicking.
If you are experiencing sit bone or soft tissue issues, your saddle may be to blame. If you need help getting comfortable, please call us and ask for a saddle expert. We can examine your riding style and make recommendations.
If you prefer to do your own research, feel free to visit our online helper:
Terry Saddle Selector:
Do I need cycling-specific shoes?
Cycling shoes are a personal choice. When I began riding, I was training for my first century and my coach told us we would be 30% more efficient if we wore cycling shoes and clipped in; this sounded worth the old college try, and I have never looked back.
That said, training for 100 miles is a big undertaking. A stiff-soled shoe may be all you need for shorter miles or those who prefer to put their foot down untethered.
It is worth noting that your stiffest-soled shoe is your best pedaling option; it will keep your pedal stroke strong and protect your arch from strain.

What are the best tops for riding and are long sleeved ones for winter?
While we offer a variety of tops for winter riding, our Thermal and Merino options offer the best warmth; we also provide long-sleeve tops for spring, summer, and fall.
For spring and fall, when temperatures are still a bit cool, I love our Tulip top (12″ zip) and our Strada jersey, which offers a full zip and can double as a light jacket.
We offer various sleeveless, short-sleeve, and long-sleeve jersey options for summer riding. Our Soleil line has quickly become a summer riding favorite, with athletic, semi-fitted, and relaxed (Flow) fit options.
As a fair-skinned rider, long-sleeved Soleil Tops and Jerseys are critical for my skin health. Many riders also comment that since their skin isn’t baking in the sun, they feel cooler and I agree!
Many of us wear Soleil tops year ’round, as they make excellent base layers for added wicking and warmth.
Note: What is the difference between a cycling jersey and a top? A cycling jersey has a zipper, and a cycling top is a pullover.
How do you ship your orders?
We ship most of our packages via the US Postal Service.
However, if you request a faster delivery option (2 to 3 days or overnight), your package will ship via UPS or FedEx the same day if ordered by 2 PM EST or the next business day if you order after 2 PM EST.
PLEASE NOTE: Expedited packages are not shipped or delivered on the weekend.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need an order quickly. We are always available to help you pick the best time for your rush needs.
Terry Shipping:
How do I start my return?
Returns are easy at Terry Cycling; click here: RETURNS
If you have any issues using the link, please reach out, and we will be happy to help. 1-800-289-8379.

Lisa Wilkes is former cycling coach who uses those skills daily in coaching the customer service team at Terry. She also handles our sponsorship efforts with many events and groups including the Wellness Revolution with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont. At the moment, she’s helping us put customer service front and center via our new website and chat feature. Test her out with your own questions about getting comfortable on your bike.
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