Our most recent winner is Lori Scheel, who nominated Bicycles Plus in Folsom, California: “Why do I love Bicycles Plus in Folsom? Because they treat me like I am the most important customer they have, every time I walk through their doors. They happily change my flats, fix my gearing issues, and address my fit problems. They never charge me…they just believe in treating women with chivalry and respect. They offer free bike clinics for women who want to be their own mechanic. They also have the latest and greatest in women’s fashions for the road. Whether you are a beginner (as I was the first time I walked into their shop) or an expert, they meet you at your level, educate, advise and make you feel good about your choices, always respecting your budget. The bottom line is never the sale…it’s about what is best for you, the customer. If they can’t provide what they think is best for you, they will direct you to someone who can, even if it’s the competition. I love that. It screams, “We value YOU and think your needs are more important than our profit.” ”
But, wait, there’s more. When we emailed Lori to tell her she’d won a Terry Symmetry bicycle, she responded with this: “Thank you so much 🙂 I plan to give the bike away to a girl on my cycling team, The Bodacious Biking Babes, who has never had a new bike in her life. She rides a 50 pound clunker, owns no car, and she is as fit as they come! She can never ride with the rest of the team on our long rides because she is so slow on her 50 pound bike. NOT ANY MORE! She is a very deserving recipient and I can’t wait to tell her…she has no idea I even entered the contest, let alone that I am giving her the bike.”
Now that’s what we call Riding It Forward!
Congratulations to Lori Scheel! AWESOME Essay….. Thank You to all that voted for Lori & Bicycles Plus. Thank You also to Terry Bicycles and the countless women clients that have supported Bicycles Plus over the years! We at Bicycles Plus take great pride in catering to our female clients. It’s nothing new…. we’ve been doing that for almost 24 years! We know that women need different cycling products than men… not just a boy’s bike shrunk down! It’s amazing to me that it’s taken this long for the “masses” to figure it out! So if you’re ever in the greater Sacramento, CA area…. stop by and say hello! Or visit our BP Diva Night sometime… it’s simply the biggest, best party and gathering of female cyclists in the nation – PERIOD. In 2011, we were pleased to have 1200 women sign up to attend! You won’t want to miss the next one! http://www.OnlineCycling.com for more info on 2012 BP Diva Night
John Crews
Owner of Bicycles Plus
I thought about entering the contest, but could not have come close to Lori, and then to top it off, she gave the prize (bike) away!!!! Way to go Lori!
Loved this article – made me happy to see people still investing in others. happy heart patty