Nurse practitioners, moms, athletes and Susan B bike owners, Jean, Megan and Hannah, have been Terry models and ambassadors for almost 2 decades. They were kind enough to work with us at our most recent shoot in Montana, where they live and provide care to nearly everyone in Billings. Newest addition, Emmy, has recently graduated from trike to bike and provides regular wound care practice for all.
What’s the greatest health challenge facing kids today?
(M) As a pediatric nurse practitioner caring for children of all ages, I have seen a huge increase childhood obesity over the years. Multiple factors contribute to this including lack of activity, increased screen time, and poor diet. Biking is one activity that most kids enjoy. I wish every child had the ability to have a bike as I truly believe it would help improve both physical and mental health in our children. Kids are happiest when they spend time outdoors!

(J) Kids have never been more connected to the world yet disconnected from each other and their families than ever before. Spending hours alone scouring social media and scrolling with their phones has led to inactivity, poor eating habits, low self esteem, obesity, eventually leading to depression and chronic illness. Many of my patients do not live in an area that fosters a sense of safety for them to get on a bike and ride it to school or play in the neighborhood. We are raising the future leaders of our country and as communities I hope we are all stepping up to the plate, creating a village that fosters creative thinking, problems solving, good communication, healthy bodies and minds, and an inclusive welcome for children from every walk of life and every family make-up. No better way to get kids out in the fresh air than a bike. Everyone, no matter their size, can learn to ride a bike and enjoy it.
What impact do you think the outdoors/exercise/biking can have on kids, especially girls?
(H) All of these have an incredible impact on kids of all ages, not only in maintaining physical fitness, but in playing a huge role in mental health. Taking time to put down the screens and escape the chaos the world can bring helps keep us all – kids and adults – grounded and refreshed. I am realizing more and more as I get older how important hobbies are. Having an activity that you enjoy and can incorporate into your life regularly helps maintain consistency and regulate stress in life. For me, that’s anything outside – primarily hiking, biking and running. I love that I can do any of these with my family, my dog, or by myself!

(J) For me it was my first memory of freedom. I got my first real bike in 3rd grade. I was never a competitive kid and being on a sports team was something that caused me a lot of anxiety. Riding my bike gave me the freedom to be physical and get myself any place I wanted to be–especially the local pool in the summertime!
It’s unusual to see kids riding bikes to school but you do get that in Billings. Is that a good thing for a community?
(H) I LOVE seeing kids riding bikes to school – it’s one of my favorite parts about Billings. When I was young, I walked or rode bikes to school frequently with a group of neighborhood kids. We all loved it! We are living in a different world today, and it has robbed younger generations of this experience. We are so lucky to live in a smaller community that allows children to continue to do this safely, and I consider myself very blessed to be able to raise my kids here.
Any secret tips for raising excellent daughters?
(J) My girls were raised with fresh air and dirt, a sense of neighborhood and community, knowing all walks of life, valuing the need for lifetime friendships that are respectful and loving, and spending REAL TIME with family. These are the things that build healthy humans, and most of it is free and can be experienced on a bike!

Lastly, important new rider advice from 3-year old Emmy:
Always go slow down the hills & don’t turn your handlebars or you might fall off the curb and tip your bike over…

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