One of the most controversial products in Terry history was a pair of socks. You may remember them — rhymed with glitch. Turns out, they were also one of the best selling items we ever offered and it made us realize that when it comes to female cyclists, it takes all kinds to make the crank go round.

Likes riding on the edge. Air Stream/Fat Bike.
OBB (Obsessed by Bikes)
OBB2 (Obsessed by Beer)

Driven by a thirst for more. Beer Chaser.

A balanced approach to everything. Rosalita T-Sock

Mad about Rio.

Can there ever be too many? Polka Dot Socks.

Finds extreme joy on two wheels. Aireator Joy Ride.

Locked up.

Like Robin Williams, we also lean this direction. Bikesexual T-Socks.
Loved the socks.
Great socks