Hello, 2024. With the arrival of the New Year comes plenty of opportunity to make this your best year of cycling yet and creating riding resolutions is a great way to identify your goals. While it’s important to have ambition, the best-kept resolutions are equal parts motivating and achievable. They should supply you with framework and something to aim for over the next 12 months, but shouldn’t be so lofty that you’re tempted to ditch your aspirations before you’ve even really gotten started. So what makes a good riding resolution?
In the spirit of promoting the transformational power of cycling, we’re leading the way with a few riding resolution recommendations. We asked Terry Team Members and Wellness Revolution Alumni to share the two-wheeled commitments they’re making this year to inspire you to set some of your own. While our goals varied, one theme rang true: more bike-fueled joy in 2024.
Some of us want to explore new horizons…
“2024 is all about exploration and rebuilding! I’ve just moved to a warmer climate, and cannot wait to start exploring new areas to cycle in Raleigh, NC. I am also looking forward to rebuilding my legs after 9 weeks on crutches…I’ll be following the doctor’s orders on this. To get things rolling in Raleigh, I have reached out to a few cycling groups, researched scenic cycling routes, and I am aligning myself with local bicycle shops—all steps toward launching an exciting and healthy 2024 cycling year!” – Lisa, Customer Service

“2024 should be another banner year of travel and cycling! Plans include attending the Philly Bike Expo and riding area trails, visiting family in Fort Collins, Colorado and exploring their amazing bike path network, and hopefully, if repairs are complete, bike-touring the longest rail trail in New England—the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. I’m also excited to test out Terry’s new 2024 gear like the: Hot Flash short, Transit Dress, highly visible Mistral Vest, and Vista Gloves. There’s a lot to look forward to this year!” – Annie, Customer Service

“Cycling resolution: Big climbs, big Riojas and another fashion parade of Terry jerseys in Spain this September.” – Paula, Creative Director
Planning your own bike trip? Here are some dreamy bike tours and cycling events to think about.
Some simply want to get out more…
“My resolution this year is to get back to my regular activity level after a crazy stressful winter. I hope to be back on my bike as soon as the snow starts to melt in April, but my main goal is to find a weekly group ride so I’m committed to get out there every week.” – Amy, Merchandising
“My biking New Year’s Resolution is to get out and bike more. I only put on 1,000 miles in 2023. I would love to do 1,500 miles in 2024!” – Shanin, Accounting

“2024 is the year of “Yes”. My wife often picks on me because I often say “sure” or “maybe” when we are asked to do something or attend an event. This year I am going to say “Yes”. Saying Yes, holds me more accountable for my actions. So, yes to more bike gang rides, yes to more climbing, yes to more hikes, yes to more travel, yes to the Colorado destination wedding.” – Emily, Marketing

“2023 was not a cycling year for me. I managed just one measly ride the whole year, and since I used to keep riding all year over thousands of miles, that’s a sad state of affairs. One reason is my focus on running, which has grown over the last decade, and led to my first marathon last Fall. That took a lot of preparation time, so cycling was squeezed out. If I have any cycling goal for 2024, it’s just to get back in the saddle and ride more. One ride a week for the year would be fantastic. I’m trying a Fly Ti Gel saddle on my road bike this year, and I’m well prepped for the cold with a pair of Pro Thermal Tights (shhh… very comfortable for guys as well as gals). Let’s go!” – Colin, Web Marketing
Some are encouraging others to ride…
“As the new year begins, and the cold gray skies and lack of snow persists in the north country of Vermont, I am thinking about one thing…….when can I get back on my bike with my ladies?!
Last year, I was three months postpartum when I participated in the Wellness Revolution hosted by Terry and The Blue Cross Blue Shield Vermont. I entered the program in hopes of getting back in touch with my athletic mindset after giving birth to my second child. What happened was way better. Throughout the spring and summer, I participated in many group rides with women in my local community, often riding 10+ mile routes. We punctuated our summer rides by completing the Tour de Farms, a 30-mile cycling event that forays around central VT with stops at local farms.
My baby is now 10 months old and as I look back on last year and think about what is to come, I think I am most grateful for the women I met on bikes in 2023. I not only got back into my athletic mindset but gained some really amazing friendships. As we all individually rang in the new year, we reached out to each other, with promises of sweaty bike rides to come and to keep each other accountable, in mind and body. The true gift of cycling is friendship.
Currently, I am setting my road bike up on a borrowed trainer to ride through winter and have set goals to attend one online core strength class, swim at the indoor pool and walk up Mount Philo weekly until the season breaks and I can really get out on my wheels with my gals again. To some, this could seem lofty, but even if I don’t get it ALL done, I’ll be successful for attempting it with 2 kids and a growing business. Plus, I know my ladies are cheering me on and have my back. ” – Kat, 2023 Wellness Revolution Graduate; Mom of 2; Owner of blue house mushroom

“Thanks to Wellness Revolution 2023 my bike went from sitting on the porch since 2018 to being one of my favorite ways to exercise! The Wellness Revolution taught me how to maintain my bike, to become more comfortable riding on the road and also made me a more cautious driver around other bikers. In a nutshell Wellness Revolution Rocks! In 2024, it is my goal to encourage others to take up cycling and discover the joys of biking.” – Linda, 2023 Wellness Revolution Graduate
About The Wellness Revolution
The Wellness Revolution is an anual program developed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont and Terry. Created by women for Vermonters who identify as women, this free program promotes healthier lifestyles and riding confidence over the course of a 4-6 week training period. Beyond great exercise and camaraderie, the Wellness Revolution includes informative sessions on bike maintenance, mindfulness, cross training, and urban and gravel riding techniques. More information on the 2024 Wellness Revolution coming soon…
Some are brushing up on their skills…
“My goal for cycling in 2024 is to improve my technical mountain bike skills on the outstanding Vermont mountain bike trails. From the Kingdom Trails in Northeast Vermont to the Driving Range—a new Richmond, Vermont mountain bike flow track—I look forward to challenging myself and improving my skills. I want to work on…
- Cornering the bike in a variety of terrain. They say that jumps are for show, and corners are for dough! Staying off the brakes through the corner to carry the most exit speed is key and making sure body position is right with good set up to look through the corner will help me flow through each and every turn.
- Technical downhill sections. The main focus will be to get to know the section I am are riding, which means riding it multiple times, and even walking it to check the lines and visualize where to ride. If I ride it once and it is hard, I won’t just move on, but find out why.
- The jump line is an area of a trail that gets a lot of attention but for me, it can cause a hybrid feeling of fear and excitement. In the jump line, you encounter a huge variety of jumps from small table-top jumps to large man-made double jumps. Small jumps don’t present a problem, but the larger jumps with gaps in between take-off and landing can cause me to have a mental block and avoid the jump line altogether. I plan to practice the same jump over and over to build confidence and gradually increase the size of the jumps over the season.
- Pumping the bike through terrain helps maximize control and speed but is often seen as something solely for a pump track or BMX track. Transferring this skill to a mountain bike trail will help me improve speed and control by pushing through downhill slopes and keeping the bike closer to the ground over rises and dips – David, Sales
Some are testing out a new type of riding…
“My resolution for 2024 is to become acquainted with my new E-bike! This includes learning more about its features and putting on some miles. I also intend to get a buggy (aka baby stroller for bicycles), so I can haul my pup around with us. Aside from that, I’m working on taking a breath and being in the moment” – Danielle, Accounting
“My goal is to upgrade my mountain bike so I can better keep up with my 13-year-old son.” – Kelly, Marketing
“My tandem-fanatic friends and SolMate Ambassadors, Laura and Kevin, have inspired me to try tandem cycling. They’ve enjoyed riding together from Colorado to Tahiti and my husband and I want to follow in their footsteps (or tire treads, if you will). Throughout this winter, we’re strength training with plans to test out a few different tandem bikes come spring.” – Cam, Marketing

But one resolution reigns supreme…RETIRE & RIDE.
After fourteen years of leading our peloton, Terry’s CEO/President Liz Roberts, is retiring this season and resolves to….
“Worry less, feel less pressure, spend more time with my grandsons, get caught up on many lapsed things in my life, and think about and begin all kinds of new adventures—including writing a book, and maybe a screenplay. Then drop everything at a moment’s notice – “to hell with it all and it can wait” – when the urge hits to ride my bike.”

Happy New Year from all of us here at Terry! We hope these riding resolutions resonate with you and provide some inspiration for setting your own cycling goals. If you already have your resolutions mapped out, please let us know in the comments, so we can root you on!
Northern MN winter cycling finds us on Fat Bikes & studded tires. Full moon rides are the best!
Hard core riders do the Arrowhead 135. Even spectating is brutal.