Contributed by Terry Ambassador Adina Crawford
As we move into the New Year there is no better time to do a check-in with yourself and assess the burdens that could be hampering your daily living and impeding your peace of mind. It’s simple, carrying excess things that don’t serve you into 2023 will increase your emotional and mental load, so let’s leave them behind. It’s time to release the past, anger, fear, and anxiety that can cast a heavy shadow on your heart. When we release these burdens, we not only strengthen our hearts, but our minds and bodies as well.
Find Boosters of Joy
There are many BOOSTERS OF JOY that can help you shed your burdens, find what fuels your fire and encourage you to think about how you desire to show up in the world. BOOSTERS OF JOY bring happiness, laughter, smiles and most importantly, a positive effect on your mental well being. There are so many big things, small things and in-between things that can serve as boosters.
Here are my top suggestions:
Empower yourself to get out and exercise. Whether riding your bike, going for a hike, taking a leisurely walk or practicing yoga. Find joy through breath and the movement of your body. Let the bliss of all you’re capable of flow through you and send self-doubt out. EMPOWER your mind and feed the soul with the goodness of movement.
When you find yourself circling back to a dark space, pause and take three nourishing deep breaths. Let air fill up the belly and lungs and let a huge exhale out. Slowly repeat to yourself “I am not my thoughts.”
Surround yourself with a community that wants to see you thrive. Explore your passions and reach out to people with common interests. Finding a tribe of like minded people to share your passion is pure joy. If you aren’t finding the exact group you’re looking for, consider starting one yourself. You may be surprised how many people share your interests or goals!
Lastly, remind yourself your strength will always be greater than your struggle!
About Adina
Adina is an avid fitness and cycling enthusiast who loves building communities and creating spaces where people thrive. In 2016, she completed her first marathon in Chicago followed by the Boston Virtual Marathon in October 2021. She has completed too many half-marathons, triathlons, and cycling events to count. In October 2022, Adina was recognized for all the work she does to make running, biking, and yoga inclusive to all and received a proclamation from Mayor Dominic Sarno of Springfield, Massachusetts. With his proclamation there is now an official “Adina Crawford Day” every October 30th.
Adina Crawford is a certified Yoga Teacher who teaches Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yin Yoga and Meditation and Mindfulness. Her calling to teach yoga has been about diversity and community and understanding that each person is unique and at a different level. Her goal is to inspire growth at every level. She has collaborated and taught with companies such as Lululemon, Athleta, Oiselle and many local groups in her Baltimore, MD community.
Along with being a Terry Ambassador, Adina is an Ambassador for Trek Bicycles, Black Girls Run, and is an REI Co-op Partner. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Black Girls Run Foundation whose mission is to encourage and motivate black women to practice a healthy lifestyle and breakdown barriers around fitness. Adina’s goal is to bring more diversity and awareness to the track, mat, and bike. She truly believes: RUNNING, YOGA, & BIKES ARE FOR EVERY BODY. Follow along with Adina’s journey on social media:
Instagram: @adinavcrawford
Facebook: Deanie The Yogini – For The Love of YOGA
Twitter: @Adinacrawford19
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