To call the Taga a revolution is not an exaggeration. In fact, had it been around 20 years ago, it may have changed the course of motherhood at Terry. Sure, there’s been a variety of add-a-child options for bike seats, trail-a-bike and the like, but the Taga is a very nicely balanced approach.
Patterned after the Dutch bakfiets cargo movement, it re-thinks the stroller as more of a cargo bike alternative. What’s nice is that it is suitable for a child from 6 months to 6 years. Beautifully engineered, it’s won tons of design awards and makes quite the impression when you see one gleefully pedaling along (retail price is roughly in the $1500 range). As the London Evening Standard say, “We could not have attracted more stares or caused more of a commotion had we been cartwheeling naked.”
Sadly (for us, not them), a recent post about Taga on Facebook caused a run on supply and they are sold out through the summer.
BikeDutchess says
You mention the Taga is “[p]atterned after the Dutch bakfiet cargo movement” – please note that the correct singular noun is “bakfiets” with the plural “bakfietsen.”
BikeDutchess says
And I see you have made the correction – thank you!
Paula Dyba says
Yes — thank YOU for helping me here!!!