I work remotely for Terry, in the comfort of my own house in Montana. As a cat person, this suits me well since the Terry office has nearly as many dogs as humans. I’ve always liked the idea of dogs, but I’m not sure they like me — In an effort to make peace and ditch this bad dog karma I seem to have, this season I have capitulated and literally gone to the dogs for a full line of product inspirations which are now in stock…
We are lucky to have a dog friendly office here at Terry HQ, and naturally that means we get to enjoy some varied and fun personalities at work. We thought we’d profile our canine work companions for our dog loving friends.
Here at the Terry warehouse, Nellie is known as the goodwill ambassador. In her biscuit filled world there’s no such thing as a bad day at the office. A typical day for the 17 month old Golden Retriever looks something like this: 9AM: Meet and greet. Important to include every person in the warehouse. Just […]