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Don’t Make These Saddle-Buying Mistakes
Choosing the best bicycle seat doesn’t have to be intimidating—or painful. Here’s how to get it right.
Finding a perfect bicycle saddle is like finding your life partner: It can be a long journey and you’ll probably have a few missteps along the way. Some people find the perfect saddle (or soulmate) right away; for others, the journey can take years. But while we can’t offer great dating advice, we can make the quest for the perfect saddle easier by looking at what you might be doing wrong in your hunt, and what you should be doing instead. To get the inside scoop, we talked to Paula Dyba, vice president of marketing at Terry Bicycles, who shared some of her best tips—and worst mistakes that she sees—when it comes to buying saddles.
Not Taking a New Saddle for a Test Ride
Using your hands—instead of your rear—to test the saddle is a common problem, Dyba explains. But you should always take it for a test ride, if possible. “Many bike shops allow you to test a saddle, or give you a return option if you’re not happy.”
Equating Soft with Comfortable
Just because a saddle is well-cushioned, it may still be the wrong size or shape for you. Since our sitbones are always looking for a solid place to sit, cushiness can mean more pressure on your sensitive bits. “You want your weight to be supported by your sit bones, not by your soft tissue area,” says Dyba. “A soft saddle feels good for about 20 minutes, but then all that weight distribution on soft tissues can really start to hurt.”
Assuming You Need XYZ Saddle
All cyclists have different body shapes—and that applies to butts, too. That’s why saddles come in different lengths, widths, and levels of firmness. “There are definite differences in sensitivity issues, rider style, and bike fit among riders,” says Dyba.
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