This past spring, TERRY and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont partnered up in a pilot program designed to promote healthier lifestyles for women through cycling. Since this was the first program of its kind in Vermont, we weren’t sure how many women would be interested in going through a biometric screening process and committing to an 8-week cycling program. Within 48 hours, we had a full session and a huge waiting list. Women of all experience levels signed up to set cycling and health goals for themselves, go on group rides with other participants and learn about cycling through co-sponsors, Earl’s Cyclery, Local Motion and other members of the Burlington cycling community.
The absolute best part of this program was the community that it built. For the participants, the additional benefits were free health screenings, Terry gift certificates, free helmets, bike fits and lots of helpful information. For me, a participant and facilitator, it was completely awe-inspiring to see several women who hadn’t been on a bike since they were six years old, grab an old mountain bike or 1970 Peugeot and ride 17 miles.
Based on the success of the program, we’re planning 2 revolutions for 2015!
Whitney McKiddy
I absolutely love, love, love that companies (and their insurance providers) are FINALLY realizing that providing “Wellness incentives” can motivate employees to improve their health (and lower healthcare expenses resulting in savings for insurance providers and ultimately for companies and most importantly improve the physical, mental and emotional health of their employees!) I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for the past 26 years and have been waiting for the “Wellness movement” to happen ever since I started college in 1981!!! I can’t wait to “share this story” with my company (and keep my fingers crossed that they decide to copy or expand on this idea)! Thank you Terry for promoting cycling and encouraging and inspiring women to get get ‘back on’ (or get on a bike for the first time of their life) and Ride!